This caused me to think about how I responded to God. Do I love the Giver? or Do I just want the blessings and promises? Everytime I do something good or right or serve or give, do I do it because I love the Giver? or Do I do it for the reward? What are the true motives of my heart? Do I truly love people and have a compassion for them? or Do I use people to satisfy my needs or to get what I want? I know I am a "fragrant delight" to the Lord but is the Lord a "fragrant delight" to me?
This highly perfumed rose blooms abundantly. The clustered flowers are peachy pink when new aging to a pale pink revealing a golden heart. Just like the "Fragrant Delight" rose, we must be transformed as we age revealing our true hearts.
Let us be a fragrant delight to the Lord (Is. 5:7 - we are a "garden of delight" to Him), to others (II Cor 2:14 - "through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." and most of all let the Lord be a "fragrant delight" to us (Psalm 37:4 - "delight yourself in the Lord".