The "Knock Out" rose is a shrub with many generous clusters of pointed buds. The fragrance is mild but this bush has an abundance of flowers and brilliant blooms. I have added several "knock out" rose bushes to my yard. They bloom continually and it seems even as the seasons change there is always at least one bloom appearing. In the winter months the orange red rose hips keep alive the color. A border of shrubs is absolutely gorgeous but a single rose bush is just as beautiful. Much like our own lives. Recently I was made aware of how easily I fall into sin. It seems I just get carried away with the moment, the crowds, the multitudes, the excitment of the season and everyone doing it and all of a sudden I am one with the world. Then I become aware that my heart doesn't feel right. I began to feel like I am not qualified to speak into women's lives. I feel like I am a "knock off". Not the real thing. Last week I had a dream that the waters were sucking me in and trying to drown me. (Revelation 17:15) The sin that entangles us. How easily we get side-tracked and do not keep our "eyes fixed on Jesus." (Hebrews 12:1) Because of Adam and Eve we live in a fallen world. (Genesis) When your heart hurts, you can ask the Lord how you can make your heart right. Ask Him to reveal the sin and then tell Him you are sorry. How easily we can let the enemy make us feel guilty. His Word says to "Feed my sheep". (John 21:17) I am again restored and reconciled to my Lord able to serve Him wholeheartedly
When we are in God's Word we have food. Food for ourselves. Food to feed and encourage others. For He says "I am the bread of life." (John 6:35)
Sometimes we bloom profusely. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes our appearance is a little different but still reflecting God's beauty. Remember, even if you are not in full bloom, and you only have shades of God's beauty, you are still called to be a "knock off" of Jesus Christ and to feed his sheep by sharing what God has done for you.