Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fragrant Delight

This rose is bushy, uneven and irregular. It blooms in profuse clusters and has a strong fragrance. Ironically, the parentage is Chanelle and Wiskey Mac.

On this Thanksgiving Day, I give thanks for all my Fragrant Friends. They are a delight to me. I enjoy shopping, lunches, coffee, e-mailing, blogging, telephone calls, visiting, chatting, trips, notes, praying, Bible studies, etc.

You are cherished as a friend and I delight in the relationship I have with you. I thank God for all my Chanelle friends and all my Wiskey friends. The fragrance of your life encourages me.

I pray that I am a fragrant friend to you and that we delight the Lord with our testimonies of His Goodness.


Lisa Smith said...

Mom, I love this. Your fragrance is lovely in my life!

Wilhelmine Mitchell said...

You are a fragrance for the Lord. I'm so proud of you.