Thursday, September 13, 2007

'Lovesong" Rose

The "Lovesong" Rose is considered a shrub but can bloom singly as well. The bush is used as a hedge and also blooms through all seasons. Nearly all shrub roses are repeat bloomers and very hardy. Just like the name of this rose implies, Jesus is a hedge around us and is there for us in all seasons. I believe that Jesus softly and tenderly calls us through a love song to come home. Home being where He lives within us. (Col 1:27) "Christ in us the hope of glory."

We all struggle with conflicts and issues in different seasons of our lives. Listen to the "love song" of our Father who loves us so much He sent His son Jesus to die for us. He lives today at the right hand of the Father in Heaven interceding for us. (Romans 8:26) He left the Spirit of truth within us to guide us in all ways and protect us in this life here on earth. (John 14:16,17) It is a mystery how we can go into the secret place to find hope and comfort. Listen to the "Lovesong" of the one who loves you and calls you to come home.

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