Friday, June 1, 2007

"Sissi" Rose

The "Sissi Rose" upright, open with pointed, double petals also known as Blue Moon. The color is a lilac mauve but tinted blue in the sun. A very sweet fragrance. This flower is the parent of "Julia's Rose". Ironically, just as similar as Julia's Rose and the Sissi Rose are, so are the similarities between these two granddaughters. "Sissi" my third granddaughter, daughter of my son. She has three older brothers who all call her "Sissi". "Sissi Rose" is what I call her. She is a rose to me. She is very much like me also. I also have three brothers. It is truly amazing how she looks so much like her mother one instant and so much like her daddy in another. She is a beautiful baby. So much like a rose that you just stare at the uniqueness of her beauty. The fragrance of a little girl in the midst of all the boys makes you wonder just how it is that the God of our universe can create such beauty.

Her name means wisdom and princess. The Scripture I pray for her is Luke 2:40 - "and the child grew and became strong; she was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon her." Zechariah 12:10 says the Spirit of God has poured out his grace upon her. The Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme says Tuesday's child is full of grace. "Sissi Rose" God has found favor on you.

1 comment:

Wilhelmine Mitchell said...

Rose, a beautiful name and beautiful comments on each rose. I especially like the ones on each granddaughter. Hugs